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Elegant Farm-to-Table Dining at Just Right Farm

It’s hard to think of the South Shore without conjuring endless beaches. But a bit inland and south the area opens into vast fields, bogs, and woods that stretch into deep countryside. How surprising to find fine dining in an area like this, then again, how appropriate to eat … [Read more...]

Hearth Bread bakery: a 60-ton wood-fired stone oven

A remarkable old world bread bakery opened on the South Shore a couple months ago and I don’t know which is more amazing – the bread or the oven where it’s baked. Peter Nyberg’s new wood-fired stone oven in Plymouth is a custom, 60-ton version of the wood-fired stone ovens … [Read more...]

Fire bricks inside a Weber grill for pizza

I can’t tell whether what I did last weekend was clever or ridiculous. Inspired (obsessed?) by a recent revelatory and mouthwatering encounter cooking pizza in a friend’s wood-fired brick oven, I got to wondering if pizza could be cooked on a gas grill and come out better than … [Read more...]

Wood-fired ovens in Hingham

Have you ever looked into a wood-fired brick oven for three straight minutes and watched a flat, raw pizza puff up into a bubbling cooked one in seconds? I just have for the first time, and it's spectacular! The baking happens so fast, it feels like you're seeing time-lapse … [Read more...]