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What would Tom Brady order at Precinct 10

IN THE KITCHEN A massive, stainless steel smoker that can hold 800 pounds of meat at a time -- brisket, pastrami, ribs, sausage -- is the centerpiece of Precinct 10’s kitchen. Not that the restaurant is a BBQ place -- it’s not. The family-friendly menu offers a large number of … [Read more...]

Aunt Chris and Uncle Luigi’s pretty table

  My mother's brother, Louie, or Luigi, Rotello, like almost all his five siblings, married non-Italians. In my mother's case, it was a Jew she wed, and in Uncle Luigi's, it was a longtime Yankee whose ancestry goes back to the Mayflower. And Chris and Louie made a … [Read more...]


This is my first blog entry ever, anywhere. What should I say? There's so much freedom outside the strictures of a column or article. I feel kind of like an actress who can play a role, no problem, but who doesn't know what to say when she's being just herself. Oh, come … [Read more...]